Fourth, there were inaccuracies due to the test method. determine the correlation between SARS-CoV-2 anti-RBD and SARS-CoV-2 neutralising antibodies. A probability value of p?0.05 was considered statistically significant for all the analyses. R software (version 4.1.0, R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria) was used for all the statistical analyses, and graphs were created SAFit2 in Python using seaborn libraries. 3.?Results 3.1. Participant demographics and anti-N antibody assay results Overall, 71 hospital workers were included; the median (interquartile range, IQR) age was 35 (28C40) years, and 45.1% (32/71) were males. There were 25 people in their 20?s, 26 people in their 30?s, and 20 people in their 40?s and over. Two participants (N?=?70, 71), both men in their 30?s, were missing at week 12. We performed anti-N antibody assay at week 1, 4, 8, and 12, respectively. All the participants were confirmed as SARS-CoV-2 na?ve through the negative results. 3.2. 100% positivity of SARS-CoV-2 IgG in the qualitative assay We performed the COVID-19 IgM/IgG Combo test for the anti-SARS-CoV-2 binding antibodies, which showed 100% positivity for IgG in all samples during the study period. IgM was positive in 12.7% (9/71) at week 1 and slightly increased to 15.5% (11/71) at week 2. Thereafter, it gradually decreased to 9.9% (7/71) at week 3 and 7.0% (5/71) at week 4. IgM positivity was not observed at weeks SAFit2 8 and 12. 3.3. Changes in SARS-CoV-2 anti-RBD antibody levels after second dose of vaccine Anti-RBD antibody levels are summarised in Table 1 . The initial median antibody level was 3898.0 U/mL (IQR, 2107.5C5478.5) at week 1. The fastest and most significant decrease was observed between weeks 1 and 2 (2432.0, 1742.5C3927.0) (p?0.01) (Supplementary Material Fig. S1A). It continually decreased to 2152.0 (1288.0C3894.5) and 1753.0 (1053.5C2834.5) at weeks 3 and 4, respectively. The variations in both periods were significant (p?0.01); however, SAFit2 the decrease between weeks 3 and 4 was steeper than between weeks 2 and 3. The median antibody level was 1245.0 (794.4C2036.0) at week 8, and the difference between weeks 4 and 8 was significant (p?0.01). Notably, at week 12, the median antibody level was 1163.0 (683.4C1743.0), which was slightly lower than that at week 8; however, it was not significant (p?=?0.11) (Supplementary Material Fig. S1B). Log-transformed data for normalisation shown a similar pattern (Fig. 2 A,B). The initial median antibody level was 3.59 log10 U/mL (IQR, 3.33C3.74) at week 1. At week 2, it significantly decreased to 3.39 (3.24C3.60; p?0.01). It significantly decreased continually to 3.33 (3.11C3.59), 3.24 (3.03C3.46), and 3.10 (2.90C3.31) at weeks 3, 4, and 8, respectively (p?0.01). At week 12, the median antibody level was 3.07 (2.83C3.24), slightly lower than that at week 8; however, the difference was not significant (p?=?0.11). Table 1 The median levels of AntiCSARS-CoV-2 anti-RBD and neutralising antibodies in the 1st 12?weeks following a second dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine.
Anti-S RBD Ab (U/mL)Total(n?=?71)3898.0(2107.5C5478.5)2432.0?(1742.5C3927.0)2152.0?(1288.0C3894.5)1753.0?(1053.5C2834.5)1245.0?(794.4C2036.0)1163.0(683.4C1743.0)Male(n?=?32)3961.5(2095.0C5706.0)2685.5(1747.8C4221.5)2442.0(1271.8C4268.8)1967.0(1037.0C2756.0)1371.5(814.5C1974.8)1304.5(791.4C1709.8)Female(n?=?39)3817.0(2342.0C5107.0)2378.0(1866.5C3522.5)2135.0(1351.5C3571.5)1619.0(1128.0C2817.5)1192.0(794.4C2118.5)919.4(644.0C1720.5)20?s(n?=?25)3968.0(2099.0C5465.0)2760.0(1818.0C3860.0)2152.0(1262.0C3794.0)2017.0(1040.0C3282.0)1503.0(842.9C2362.0)1300.0(734.7C1913.0)30?s(n?=?26)3954.0(2443.2C4822.5)2539.5(1956.5C3959.0)2205.5(1527.5C3618.5)1826.0(1217.2C2434.8)1305.0(905.1C1932.8)1194.0(769.5C1625.8)40?s(n?=?20)3610.5(2038.2C5706.0)2277.5(1693.5C3796.8)1892.5(1286.8C4206.8)1570.5(935.9C2609.5)1054.0(539.2C1792.5)801.7(465.6C1297.2)Neutralising Ab (Inhibition %)Total(n?=?71)97.54(96.85C97.81)96.93?(96.33C97.15)96.82?(96.06C97.15)96.87(96.20C97.13)96.31?(93.89C97.33)94.87?(89.24C96.99)Male(n?=?32)97.46(96.60C97.83)96.87(96.34C97.15)96.74(95.95C97.15)96.70(96.08C97.11)96.41(94.06C97.29)95.64(90.42C97.00)Female(n?=?39)97.54(97.08C97.79)96.97(96.36C97.23)96.87(96.25C97.17)96.92(96.28C97.13)96.14(93.72C97.33)94.62(88.52C96.95)20?s(n?=?25)97.54(97.26C97.79)96.93(96.59C97.09)96.82(96.47C97.15)96.93(96.30C97.18)96.77(94.58C97.48)96.09(91.07C97.60)30?s(n?=?26)97.61(96.90C97.90)96.95(96.30C97.19)96.95(96.19C97.19)96.90(96.46C97.12)96.64(94.19C97.30)95.64(89.63C97.11)40?s(n?=?20)97.46(96.51C97.73)96.87(96.21C97.11)96.69(95.49C97.02)96.73(95.27C97.00)95.78(90.17C96.90)93.39(84.49C96.02) Open in a separate windows SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; RBD, receptor binding website of viral spike protein. * Two participants were loss, Rabbit Polyclonal to ATP5H so total number of participants were 69. ?p?0.01. Open in a separate windows Fig. 2 SARS-CoV-2 anti-RBD antibody log-scale reactions for (A) weekly switch for 4?weeks, (B) month to month. Switch for 12?weeks. SARS-CoV-2 anti-RBD antibodies (C) switch according to age groups, (D) regression model, and (E) heatmap for individuals. SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; RBD, receptor-binding website of viral spike protein. 3.4. Inclination of rapid decrease in the SARS-CoV-2 anti-RBD antibody levels in the older group over time We analysed whether the anti-S RBD antibody levels differed based on sex and age. There was no significant difference in antibody levels between men and women.