Pearsons or Fishers exact chi-square assessments were utilized for categorical data. used and then post hoc Bonferroni correction was used. p 0.05 was considered significant. Results Main etiologies of kidney diseases, dialysis type, donor type, history of hypertension, cardiovascular disease, rate of DGF, and induction therapy were comparable in both groups. Additional immunosuppressive drugs given to both groups MK-8998 were MMF/MPA and prednisolone. Rabbit polyclonal to ADAMTS3 The switch time to mTORi in patients ranged from 0 to 19 years, but the average was 4 years. In the mTORi group, all the individuals were initiated with CNI and 75% of them were switched to mTORi regimen due to adverse reactions with CNI. These adverse reactions were diabetes mellitus (18.9%), gingival hyperplasia (16.2%), BK and CMV infections (10.8%), malignancy (8.1%), dermatological effects (8.1%) in decreasing frequency. Therapeutic transition was made in 35% of the patients because the desired drug blood level was not achieved and nephrotoxicity needed to be avoided. In 4 patients with acute rejection, kidney biopsy was performed in 1 steroid-resistant patient and chronic antibody-mediated rejection was detected. No finding related to CNI toxicity was detected in the biopsy. The demographic information and comorbid diseases of the patients are shown in Table 1 and the biochemical data are shown in Table 2. Tables revealed that mismatch (MM), transplant time, DM, BKVN, and actual spot urine protein/creatinine ratios were significantly different between the 2 groups. Table 1 Comparing demographic and comorbidity variables between groups. thead th valign=”middle” align=”center” rowspan=”1″ colspan=”1″ Variables /th th valign=”middle” align=”center” rowspan=”1″ colspan=”1″ mTOR group (n=37) meanSD /th th valign=”middle” align=”center” rowspan=”1″ colspan=”1″ CNI group (n=52) meanSD /th th valign=”middle” align=”center” rowspan=”1″ colspan=”1″ p /th /thead Age (12 months)45.212.546.412.10.500Transplant 12 months11. 0.025 Transplant number1. 0.024 n (%) n (%) Sex MK-8998 (F/M)19/18 (51.4/48.6)21/31 (40.6/59.4)0.300Presence of DM8 (21.6)2 (3.8) 0.015 Presence of HT17 (45.9)31 (59.6)0.200Presence of CVD2 (5.4)1 (1.9)0.568Post-transplant BKVN4 (10)0 (0) 0.020 Post-transplant AR4 (10.8)7 (13.5)0.700Post-transplant malignancy3 (8.1)1 (1.9)0.300Delayed graft function4 (10.8)10 (19.2)0.282Cadaveric donor15 (40.5)22 (42.3)0.867Live donor22 (59.5)30 (57.7)0.867Induction therapy29 (78.4)42 (80.8)0.781Used ATG8 (21.6)21 (40.4)0.236Used IL-2 MK-8998 antagonist21 (56.8)21 (40.4)0.693 Open in a separate window Independent t test was utilized for comparing age parameter. Pearsons or Fishers exact chi-square assessments were utilized for categorical data. P 0.05 was considered significant. DM C diabetes mellitus; HT C hypertension; CVD C cardiovascular disease BKVN C BK computer virus nephropathy; AR C acute rejection. Table 2 Biochemical analysis features MK-8998 of the study groups. thead th valign=”middle” align=”center” rowspan=”1″ colspan=”1″ Variables /th th valign=”middle” align=”center” rowspan=”1″ colspan=”1″ mTOR group (n=37) meanSD /th th valign=”middle” align=”center” rowspan=”1″ colspan=”1″ CNI group (n=52) meanSD /th th valign=”middle” align=”center” rowspan=”1″ colspan=”1″ p /th /thead Post-transplant creatinine (mg/dl) creatinine (mg/dl)1.320.51.430.50.330Post-transplant eGFR (ml/min per/1.73 m2)67.4166312.80.230Actual eGFR (ml/min per/1.73 m2)59.72057170.520Post-transplant spot urine protein/creatinine0. spot urine protein/creatinine0. 0.009 Open in a separate window Independent t test was used and P 0.05 was considered significant. The increased prevalence of MM in the CNI group might be related to targeting more potent immunosuppression. The higher rates of DM and BKVN in the mTORi group may be attributed to the use of CNIs before conversion to mTORi. Proteinuria, which is a specific adverse effect of mTORi, was significantly increased in our study. Acute rejection was increased in the CNI group, whereas malignancy rates were increased in mTORi group, even though differences were not statistically significant. As seen in Table 3, no difference was found between the groups MK-8998 in immunological assessments such as PRA and DSA. Table 3.