The number of IgA+ plasma cells was also increased in the MLN (Fig

The number of IgA+ plasma cells was also increased in the MLN (Fig.?8d). transfer of intestinal-associated pan-B cells. Mechanistically, IgA is usually a crucial link that controls intestinal and adipose tissue inflammation, intestinal permeability, microbial encroachment and the composition of the intestinal microbiome?during HFD. Current glucose-lowering therapies, including metformin, impact intestinal-related IgA+ B cell populations in mice, while bariatric surgery regimen alters the level of fecal secretory IgA in humans. These findings identify intestinal IgA+ immune cells as mucosal mediators of whole-body glucose regulation in diet-induced metabolic disease. was increased in the small intestine tissue (Supplementary Fig.?2a). Open in a separate windows Fig. 2 High fat diet (HFD) feeding impedes secreted factors and immune cells promoting intestinal immunoglobulin A (IgA). Relative messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of genes promoting IgA in colon a whole tissue ((APRIL) (Fig.?2b). Transforming growth factor-1 (TGF-1) is an essential IgA CSR factor, which is necessary for both T-dependent (TD) and T-independent (TI) IgA class switching24C26. IL-5 can enhance IgA-promoting functions of TGF-1 as well as RA, in addition to stimulating the maturation of B cells into differentiated plasma cells27C29. APRIL is also involved in enhancing IgA CSR and mice deficient in APRIL possess impaired IgA responses30. Although a small increase in the expression of was observed, this Rabbit polyclonal to MMP1 switch may reflect homeostatic compensation for the marked ~70% decrease in the expression of its family member, with no alterations in the expression of and (Fig.?2c). No changes in gene expression were observed in the small intestine (LP and epithelium), with the exception of a similar minor increase in Clopidogrel (BAFF) in the small intestinal LP (Supplementary Fig.?2b, c). These data support our previous findings regarding intestinal site-specific loss in IgA populations, as reductions in IgA promoting factors were observed exclusively in the colon upon HFD feeding. We next characterized HFD-induced changes to the innate myeloid immune compartment within the LP, as they are a source of TGF-1, IL-5, APRIL, and RA, linked to IgA production31. HFD-fed mice displayed a decrease in colonic CX3CR1+ macrophages in the LP (Fig.?2d). Additionally, in the colon, HFD feeding induced a decrease in the frequency and quantity of the IgA inducing CD11b+ CD11c+ macrophage subset, as well as a decrease Clopidogrel in the number of CD11b+ CD11c? macrophages, which have been linked to the regulation of Treg responses, which are also dampened during DIO (Fig.?2e)8,32,33. Alternatively, in the small intestine, while the frequency and numbers of CX3CR1+ macrophages and its CD11b+ CD11c? subset were decreased, no changes were seen in the CD11b+ CD11c+ macrophage compartment (Supplementary Fig.?2d, e). HFD feeding did not alter total CD11c+ MHCII+ CX3CR1? DCs in the colon (Fig.?2f), but decreased the proportions of Clopidogrel CD103+ CD11b+ DC subset known to promote IgA responses34 while increasing the proportions of CD103+ CD11b? DCs which was?previously shown to enhance intestinal CD8+ and Th1 responses35,36 (Fig.?2g). In contrast to the colon, the small intestine of HFD mice experienced increased proportions of total CD11c+ MHCII+ CX3CR1? DCs, yet displayed no differences in the frequencies and proportions of their numerous subsets (Supplementary Fig.?2f, g). In the PP, HFD feeding led to a trending loss in the frequency of DCs, and an increase in the number of total CX3CR1+ macrophages, but no differences were observed in the gene expression of IgA-promoting factors, or macrophage and DC subsets (Supplementary Fig.?2hCl). In the colon-associated MLN, we observed a decreased expression of and a trending decrease in in HFD-fed mice (Supplementary Fig.?2m). Furthermore, similar to the colon, HFD feeding decreased the frequency of CX3CR1+ macrophages in the MLN and trended to decrease the proportion of their CD11b+ CD11c+ subset (Supplementary Fig.?2n, o). While total DCs were not altered in the MLN, small differences were seen in the CD103+ CD11b? and CD103? CD11b+ subsets in HFD-fed mice (Supplementary Fig.?2p, q). Overall, these results demonstrate that this compromised intestinal production of IgA is usually associated with HFD-induced reduction in cellular and secreted immune mediators involved in IgA CSR and production. IgA deficiency worsens glucose homeostasis during HFD Given that IgA+ B cells and plasma cells within the intestine were primarily affected by HFD feeding, we next sought to determine a role for IgA in obesity and IR. IgA-deficient (and order were increased (Fig.?7e, right,?7f). In addition, the HFD-fed IgA?/? mice harbored more abundantly and and reduced amounts of bacteria from your class compared to HFD-fed WT mice (Fig.?7f). Linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe) analysis of the colonic microbiota also exhibited additional bacterial taxa differing between IgA?/? and WT mice (Supplementary Fig.?8c). To assess if intestinal IgA-producing B cells can directly dictate the microbiota in the setting of.