RNA samples were collected during logarithmic growth (Log, OD600 of 0.4) and at the end of logarithmic growth (Late, OD600 of 1 1.0) and subject to qRT-PCR using gene-specific primers. have driven efforts dealing with the biochemistry and structural biology of EptA that will facilitate the development of potential inhibitors that block PEA addition to lipid A. (GC) and (MC) to decorate their lipid A with phosphoethanolamine (PEA) has profound implications for their ability to survive host-derived antimicrobials and influence the hosts pro-inflammatory response during contamination. In the past decade a number of studies have been reported that advance our knowledge around the molecular mechanisms of this lipid A modification. We propose that this strategy would render bacteria susceptible to innate host defenses and reduce the potentially damaging action of the pro-inflammatory response during contamination. We posit that EptA inhibitors would serve as adjunctive therapeutics to counteract multidrug-resistant strains of (GC) that threaten the efficacy of currently used antibiotics. Accordingly, this review is concerned with bringing INH14 together results from molecular and structural studies that have focused attention around the enzyme EptA that is responsible for PEA design of lipid A in the context of biological studies that support this modification as a virulence factor. The Pathogenic causes the sexually transmitted contamination termed gonorrhea with a world-wide yearly estimate of 78 million infections (Newman et al., 2015). Gonorrhea is an ancient disease with biblical recommendations (Old Testament; Leviticus 15:1C3). It causes both symptomatic and (frequent) asymptomatic infections at genital and extra-genital sites in both men and women that can have serious effects for the reproductive and general health of both sexes (summarized in Rice et al., 2017). Symptomatic disease is usually driven by the pro-inflammatory response and is highlighted by a substantial influx of neutrophils and marked increase in pro-inflammatory chemokines/cytokines. Most often, gonorrhea presents as uncomplicated urethritis in men and cervicitis in women. However, more invasive forms of disease can occur and include epididymitis, pelvic inflammatory disease (endometritis or salpingitis), or disseminated gonococcal contamination (DGI) that can involve multiple organs and joints (infectious arthritis) (Rice, 2005). Women INH14 suffer the greatest INH14 medical complications from invasive GC infections, especially if there is fallopian tube involvement that can INH14 result in ectopic pregnancy, and long lasting damage to their reproductive health. Infected mothers can also transmit GC to their newborn during vaginal delivery resulting in ophthalmia neonatorum. Additional extra-genital infections (rectal and oral) in both sexes occur frequently. Finally, repeated GC infections can facilitate transmission or acquisition of the human immunodeficiency computer virus (HIV) (Malott et al., 2013). In contrast to GC, MC is frequently carried as a commensal in the nasopharyngeal cavity by a high percentage of the population, but can enter the blood stream and quickly cause life-threatening disease. Invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) syndromes meningitis and/or fulminant septicemia seem to have appeared much later than gonorrhea in the development of can also colonize the nasopharynx and until recently this was considered transient and not a significant mode of transmission. However, antibiotic treatment failure is most commonly associated with nasopharyngeal carriage and often necessitates a nasopharyngeal swab test to ensure total remedy after therapy (Unemo et al., 2016). is usually most commonly carried asymptomatically in the nasopharynx of 10% of young adults. It is transmitted via the respiratory route in salivary droplets (Stephens et al., 2007). The MC model of colonization of the nasopharynx also entails type IV pili to initiate attachment and then close adhesion to the host epithelium when retracted. However, the meningococcal model of invasion also includes a wider variety of adhesins required for conversation with endothelial cells lining the blood vessels during IMD (Stephens INH14 et al., 2007). Interestingly a single virulence factor, the ethanolamine transferase EptA (formerly termed lipid A phosphoethanolamine transferase LptA), has been Mouse monoclonal to IGF2BP3 shown to be required for multiple aspects of GC and MC pathogenesis including colonization, inflammation and survival in.